A Blessing on your head. Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!

I feel like a girl about to meet her celebrity crush>  Every day I wake up thinking of what is to come…and in just 20 days!  Friday evening I went to temple to receive a blessing for my upcoming trip.  It was a “family service” filled with children of all ages.  The little kindergarten and first graders were an absolute delight.  Their eyes bright and filled with hope of a future they can’t even imagine (Thought they are sure it is filled with candy and goodies).  Then, they called those traveling to Israel.  That was the college students leaving the next day along with Vicky (my friend and roommate on the trip) and I.  I must say, I was overjoyed to be in the company of these “young ins”.   To think we are about to embark on the same journey!  We maybe not the same…but you know what I am saying.


Anyway, the blessing was short and the Rabbi explained the purpose of it…and shockingly, I felt touched by it…It has just added to my feeling that I am about to walk the same path as so many before me…and absorb the lessons each footstep left behind….To say I am eager would be an understatement.  


To top the weekend off, Sunday we got the chance to meet the entire group (from this area that is – their will be about 200 of us total).  And we watched a  video about Israel, and talked with other women who have been so many times before.  


I am on the edge of my seat!


I can’t wait to share it alap with you!


Enjoy today,





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2 responses to “A Blessing on your head. Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov!

  1. Ann Errico

    Carol, I’m so excited for you and I will be looking forward to hearing about your experince upon your return. Hugs, Ann

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